Lego League Challenge
Grades 4 - 8FIRST Lego League Challenge Teams
These teams are geared towards grades 6-8. Using LEGO Mindstorms to learn robot designing and programming. Our new Lego Explore team is for grade 2-4 aged students.
FIRST Robotics Competition
Grades 9 - 12The Wired Wizards: Team 4534
The Wired Wizards is a community robotics team for grades 9-12. Each year we design, build and program a new robot for a given challenge. In this program, teams must work together to accomplish more than one person can do alone!
Lego League Challenge
Registration begins in June!
Wired Wizards
Registration begins in August!
The Wired Wizards (grades 9-12):
Season starts early September & runs into March
(Contact coach Beth Bacheldor)
The Lego League Challenge (grades 6-8) & Explore (ages 6-10 yrs) teams:
Season starts August 1 & runs until January
(Contact coach Beth Davis in June or July).
We Wish To Welcome
Our New Teams:
Lego Challenge Team Dashing Dinos (2022) &
Lego Explore Team Nuclear Nerds (2023)
Port City Robotics is a non-profit 501 (c) (s) organization.